Both JSPs and Actions are called by a HTTP request. It can be helpful to
think of Actions as "invisible pages" that respond to a request with a
"visible page". 

Any place where you request (or "load") a page, you can request an
Action instead. So however you "load another file in the second frame",
you should be able to request an Action instead. Your tag might also
include the database ID as part of the request (/, so
you don't have to bother with the session. 

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel 716 737-3463.

Jack Xu wrote:
> I have a frameset of 2 frames. The first frame loads a JSP file containing a
> custom tag. The tag retrieves a list from my database and displays it as a
> drop down list. The tag then marks the first entry in the list as default
> and then load another file in the second frame. In stead of having a static
> welcome page in the second frame, I'm wondering if there's any way to
> perform this:
> 1. The custom tag finishes in the first frame. It puts some kind of ID in
> the session.
> 2. Before the second frame loads, a struts action is executed. The action
> retrieves information from my database based on the ID the custom tag put in
> the session, construct a form containing the information returned from the
> database and forwards to the JSP page to be loaded to the second frame. The
> JSP load info from the form so that I have default page with information
> loaded from the database.
> Your help is very much appreciated !
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Jack Xu
> March Networks
> (416)977-7007 x 308
> --------------------------------------------------------------

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