As it stands, the "input" property in the Action Mapping is (4) a
default page. It is not meant so much to represent where the input
came from, but where to go to get more, so the ActionServlet knows 
where to bounce the user if ActionForm validate fails. 

For more complex needs, you can reserve validation for the Action
itself, where you can choose among multiple forwards. 

I agree that we need more flow control, especially to do things like let
users login in from all over the place and then get them back to
whereever they were, or interpose a standard confirmation dialog and
then forward on to another action, or go off and look up a related value
and then continue adding a new record. 

But none of these are ActionForm validate issues. 

I believe the core problem here may be trying to do business logic or
other complex validations in the ActionForm rather in than the Action.
ActionForm validation is great for simple, domain-type validations. But
any validation that causes a problem here should be performed in the
Action instead where there is more "elbow room".

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel 716 737-3463.

Jonathan wrote:
> I for one dont even understand the value in the "input value" parameter.
> There could be MANY pages that got you to the page you are on.  The "input"
> value just makes one possible origin available for you to have as a return
> target should things go fowl.  I had been saying on this discussion that
> there should be more or less 4 different destinations:
> 1) where you came from (referrer, or if there is no referrer a default
> page...see below)
> 2) where you were originally going when you were interrupted
> 3) a specific page - (can be success or failure page or could be the first
> page in a form)
> 4) a default page

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