I posted a how-to for getting struts and tomcat 3.2.1 up and running in
VAJ...check the archives or even www.helenius.org...


-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas L Richards
Sent: 11-06-2001 17:03
Subject: Re: Problem With Struts and Tomcat


Ok, I'll try that (even though I ordered 3.5.3....but it'll be a while
before I get it). Do you have the title of the article for integrating
3.2.1 into VAJ on VADD? The thing I'm curious about is in the IBM Tomcat
Integration bundle, IBM has a Runner class that handles Tomcat startup
everything. Is it possible to use the 3.1.X runner (just tweak it for
3.2.1?) thereby pointing it at the new version? I haven't tried this....
Just a thought.



                    "Dan Miser"

                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]       To:
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                    
                    com>                 cc:

                                         Subject:     Re: Problem With
Struts and Tomcat                             

                    11:10 AM

                    Please respond

                    to struts-user



You don't *need* VAJ 3.5.3 to run 3.2.1. Of course, you need to do
yourself as opposed to using the IBM Tomcat integration offering. If you
have specific problems with your config, post them here and I should be
to help out. Also, there's an article on VADD that outlines most of the
things you need to do for Struts integration with VAJ.
Dan Miser

----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas L Richards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2001 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: Problem With Struts and Tomcat

> I'm downloading Tomcat 3.2.1 now (can't get 3.2.2 for VAJ yet).
> Unfortunately, as it turns out, I need to upgrade VAJ to 3.5.3 since
> 3.2.X won't work with VAJ 3.5.2. Go figure.

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