Hi Ted and fellow Struts Users's , I have got  a package named stock beneath C:\jakarat-tomcat-3.2.1\webapps.
Thus there is a \WEB-INF that holds a classes dir and a lib dir and dbtags.xml and web.xml. In the lib directory resides dbtags.jar and jdbc7.0-1.2.jar

I have declared taglib uri  directive at top of page testDB.jsp and added a <taglib> element to my web application deploy descriptor  in /WEB-INF/web.xml - as below

  Example web application illustrating the use of tags in the
  DBTags custom tag library, from the JAKARTA-TAGLIBS project.

Thus there is a dbtags .xml wish i believe is required for mapping all custom action names to the corresponding  tag handler classes ( not nothing in the classes file ). Nevertheless this works perfectly when i run http://localhost:8080/stock/testDB.jsp.
albeit i have recreated the same steps i placed the stock package into by struts-bbnpa (web app ) under classes were i have two other packages that i created via tutorials and again the config tld,jar and xml mapping ,and run
http://localhost:8080/struts-bbnpa/testDB.jsp. This doesn't seem to work my error is-

Not Found (404)

Original request: /struts-bbnpa/testDB.jsp

Not found request: /struts-bbnpa/testDB.jsp

Any suggestions as i have created a prototype Postgresql db with data and i am trying to connect to my company proto web site the first works though.
Sorry if long winded. Cheers chuck.


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