thanks to everyone that reply and read my mail.  I changed my input
statement and it works.
<input type="image" name="submit" src="images/search.gif" value="Submit"
onClick="transmitMessage('Submit Order')">

I'm amaze that there are many generous developers out there.  I feel honor
to be on this mailing list!
Lunch is on me, the usual place!  

Struts Forever
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Alfors [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 7:49 AM
Subject: Re: javascript multiple submit

Looks like javascript does not know the name of your form.
I have not used the html:form tag before, but from looking at the code, it
not look like having the form named in your
xml document is going to set the form name.  The html:form tag takes an
attribute 'name' that you could set:

<html:form name="orderRegularForm" action="workOrderRegular">

or you could change your javascript to access the form as an index value

  document.forms[0].action = "/dgonline/";

where 0 = first form defined on your page.


Kiet Nguyen wrote:

> I'm trying to use javascript to submit a form.  The javascrip function get
> called, but the form is not submited (i.e. the ActionClass doesn't
> Here is my jsp.
> .....
> <script language="JavaScript">
> function transmitMessage(msgAction) {
>         document.orderRegularForm.action = "/dgonline/";
>         document.orderRegularForm.submit(document.orderRegularForm);
> }
> .............
> <html:form action="workOrderRegular">
>  <a href="#"><img src="images/submit.gif"
> Order')"></a>
> </htm:form>
> ===My config.xml file
>     <action    path="/workOrderSubmit"
> type="com.dgsystems.dgonline.struts.order.OrderRegularSubmitAction"
>                name="orderRegularForm">
>     </action>

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