Jonathan Asbell wrote:
> Well, just one hitch when doing the business validation in the Action.  If
> you are developing in an enterprise environment, you probably want to do
> these kind of validations in a business object because, as pointed out in an
> eariler thread, you may need data from the database to do this
> validation/evaluation.  Better that the validation for this level all be in
> one place.  In an enterprise app the Action would probably be considered
> part of the web tier.  Therfore, it would not be good to mix the two tiers.
> What do you Think?

The Action can be murky ground, but it is often used as the interface
between the business tier and the Web tier. After all, they have to meet
somewhere, yes? So, if the business object rejected the data, it would
return it to the Action, which would hand it back to the ActionForm. You
would not so much be doing the validation in the Action form as much as
you would be calling the Business Object from the Action to do the

[ ActionForm ] <-> [ Action ] <-> [ Business Object ]

> By the way Ted, thank you for being so open and taking the time to offer
> your perspective.  I really appreciate it and I'm sure everyone on the list
> does as well.  It makes this list truly worth while. Ditto to Oleg, Martin,
> Michael, Johan, Peter, Nanduri, Jon, Jeff, Hal, David, and Craig.  I have
> learned alot in these 3 months.

And before much longer I'm sure someone will be adding your name to a
list like that, Jonathan ;-)

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel 716 737-3463.

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