Have you seen this:

<  http://barracuda.enhydra.org/cvs_source/Barracuda/docs/landscape.html

> Steven Leija wrote:
> Hey All,
> I was asked to evaluate java frameworks that are available such as
> Struts, Turbine, Barracuda, Smartmode, Velocity, Expresso, Niggle,
> Tapestry, and Swinglets.  Does anyone have any sort of opinion over
> which frameworks are the best?  Which frameworks are not the best or
> ideal to use?  Do any of the frameworks compliment others?  Does
> Struts work well with other frameworks such as Cocoon?
> I'm in favor of Struts, but I must evaluate other frameworks to come
> up with a the pro's and con's with each framework and why Struts is
> more dominate over it's competitor frameworks.

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