I'm using www.webappcabaret.com. You can go there and read all about there setup. From what I understand it is configured to call my stuff www.mydomain.com. The servlet engine is Tomcat 3.2 and is shared. The errors message I get is basically a request not found because it is trying to get /mycontext/mycontext/action instead of just /mycontext. If you want I can send you any of my logs and config files.
Here's part of the log that show's one of the failures
path="/missionvictory" :action: Processing a GET for /editRegistration
path="/missionvictory" :action:  Looking for ActionForm bean under attribute 'registrationForm'
path="/missionvictory" :action:  Creating new ActionForm instance of class 'org.missionvictory.pledge.RegistrationForm'
path="/missionvictory" :action:  Storing instance under attribute 'registrationForm' in scope 'request'
path="/missionvictory" :action:  Populating bean properties from this request
path="/missionvictory" :action:  Validating input form properties
path="/missionvictory" :action:  Looking for Action instance for class org.missionvictory.pledge.EditRegistrationAction
path="/missionvictory" :action:   Double checking for Action instance already there
path="/missionvictory" :action:   Creating new Action instance
path="/missionvictory" :action: EditRegistrationAction:  Processing Create action
path="/missionvictory" :action:  Setting transactional control token
path="/missionvictory" :action:  Forwarding to 'success' page
path="/missionvictory" :jsp: init
path="/missionvictory" :action: Processing a POST for /missionvictory/saveRegistration
path="/missionvictory" :action:  No mapping available for path /missionvictory/saveRegistration
Ctx( /missionvictory ): 400 R( /missionvictory + /missionvictory/saveRegistration.do + null) Invalid path /missionvictory/saveRegistration was requested
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 12:27 PM
Subject: RE: Help: Problems deploying to domain name.

Hi Rob,
    Can you explain a bit about your set up.  Do you have a web server that is transparently forwarding requests to a servlet engine (which one).  Are you in a shared setup or do you have dedicated servers for your app only.  What is the pattern or extension that causes the plug-in to proxy request to the servlet engine.
    What is the error message you are getting?       
    How have you configured the web app to be called.  My guess is through "mycontext". 
    I know WebLogic has a DefaultWebApp_myserver that you could use for this purpose that would not append the "mycontext" to URLs.
    This is what I think is happening.  Whoever has configured the www.mydomain.com webserver has configured it to call your servlet engine through a url like http://servletEngine/mycontext which causes the /mycontext to get pre-pended to the form's action attribute.   This sounds like a configuration issues that I might be able to help you with when I find out more info.
By the way, I have to leave in 30 minutes to run some errands.
 -----Original Message-----
From: Rod Schmidt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 4:54 PM
Subject: Help: Problems deploying to domain name.

I have a web app and everything works fine under a URL like www.webappcabaret.com/mycontext. As soon as I got a domain name and tried to run things under http://www.mydomain.com things don't work. I see the following symptons.
- html:link href works but html:link page does not
- The html:form tags are rendered with the action = "/mycontext/action". This results in the action not being found.
These seem to be my two main culprits so far. Does anybody know what's happening?
Rod Schmidt

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