Hello Stefan,

Friday, June 29, 2001, 5:15:40 PM, you wrote:

SF> Hi,
SF> I have a ArrayList in a xxxAction and make a "session.setAttribute("list",
SF> list);". How can I access to this array from the forward jsp-site? In this
SF> jsp-site I have a fallowing:
SF> <html:select property="list">
SF>         <html:options collection="list" property="value" labelProperty="lable"/>
SF> </html:select>

SF> What do I make wrong, or do somone have another possibility.

Try to use 'name' attribute -

 <html:select name="myForm" property="list">
         <html:options collection="list" property="value" labelProperty="lable"/>

SF> Best regards,
SF> Stefan Faist

Best regards,
 Oleg                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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