I have the following situation:

A user logs into my application and is presented with
a main menu.

>From there, they click on a link to view a search
screen.  The search screen uses <html:form> to submit
the parameters of the search back to itself and
display the results below the search criteria.  There
is no action servlet involved. 

I want to add a button on the bottom of the screen
that says "Done" and when the user clicks on it, it
returns them back to the main menu.

Is there a way with struts forms and the
action-mapping in struts-config.xml to make this work?

Is it possible to have a "global-forward" and the
button calls it when clicked?

I tried the following, but it does not work, but is my
vision of what would be easy:

<!-- simple search resource -->
        <forward name="cancel" path="/mainMenu"/>

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