I spend a couple of days last week trying to do the same...

never got it working....

I was close at some point though...

had the taglibs running OR the servlet (gave me xml validation errors
thoguh)...couldnt have both at the same time ;-)

please tell if you get it running...im on a prject that has to run on 4.1,
and so far i have had to dismiss struts on this one...


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Sendt: 16 July 2001 17:53
Emne: Installation on Netscape 4.1

Hello everyone and thank you in advance for reading and replying to my

I am trying to install Struts to work with iPlanet 4.1.  It does not
support web application archives WAR. Does anyone have this installation
process documented or knows how to do it and could document it?

I would appreciate any help.

Thank you,

Dmitri Furman

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