> Hi.
> Has anyone of you managed to make Struts and JBoss working together?
> This is my current situation: I use JBoss-2.2.2 + Tomcat-3.2.2 (by
> run_with_tomcat.bat - so they are running in one VM) and Struts 1.0.

Hi, I use struts in jboss+tomcat.

I use 2 configurations:

    Separate ejb and war. There are no problems, since I have no EAR file.

    An EAR file. 

    This is a bit tricky: 
        a) you have to let struts.jar in the root of the EAR. Do not place
           it under war/WEB-INF/lib. Do the same with all jars which would
           go into WEB-INF/lib

        b) in war's META-INF/manifest.mf you need following lines for needed
                Class-Path: ./struts.jar
                Class-Path: ./somethingelse.jar

    So far so good. ActionServlet will be found, your Actions as well....
    But I've had problems with Jasper. It was not able to compile my JSP
    pages, since it was not loading the jars from manifest.mf

    The solution was to use jasper at deployment time and let it to compile
    all jsp pages into java, compile those java sources into classes, jar 
    them and put the jsp.jar into my EAR along with the modified web.xml

    Even with ant it is not so easy and the deployment takes a lot of time.
    So I use the 1st approach during development.


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