   Sorry if this is not the best forum for this; I am asking this here 
becuase I think Struts factors into my question.

   I am creating a web site that allows for the future addition of new 
webapps to extend the original site.  I would like to allow users to make 
their add on as a full webapp, and I'll store the link to the new webapp in 
my database.

   One of the requirements I have is that I need to pass my session onto the 
new webapp. But, oops, you can't do that.  Tomcat (and the Servlet API) 
doesn't let you pass a session to a new webapp - as far as I can tell.  I 
could pass the important tidbits as strings along in the URL and recreate a 
session once I get to the new webapp, but that has its own set of's insecure (no matter how i encode the URL), and it completely 
messes up the first webapp, becuase when I return to that webapp the session 
will probably have timed out.

   Does anyone know of a way that I can maintain a list of trusted webapps 
which I can pass session between?  How about if there is a way to deploy an 
entire webapp within the context of another?  I don't want future developers 
to need to mess with my code to get their apps into my context.

   And here is the STRUTS part of my question.  If I allow future developers 
to simply put all of their JSPs/images/templates/etc. into a subdirectory in 
my webapp, is there a way to allow them to either add their own 
struts-config.xml file or make struts reread the struts-config.xml file 
while Tomcat is still running?  I also have a requirement of leaving the 
server running while i deploy so that i don't lose sessions.

   Any thoughts would be welcome and appreciated.  I have looked through 
archives for Tomcat and Struts and can't seem to find an answer.

  Thanks in advance!

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