At 05:20 PM 7/25/2001 -0400, you wrote:

>Hi James,
>Thanks for your note - made me think a bit!
>Would be interested in knowing more about the other indexed tags that were
>posted and you are using.  I know either Jeff Trent or Martin Cooper had
>produced some tags which had a different name ie IndexedXXXTag.

I believe the mods we have are based on those posted by Niall 
Pemberton.  In those mods, a handful of HTML tags had their doStartTag() 
method modified to be changed from:

results.append(" name=\"");


results.append(" name=\"");

where propertyName() was implemented like this:

protected String propertyName() {
         IterateTag iterateTag = (IterateTag) findAncestorWithClass(this, 
         return iterateTag == null
                                 : iterateTag.getProperty() + "[" + 
iterateTag.getIndex() + "]." +;

In the original mods that we had, the getProperty method of IterateTag 
simply returned the property field value.  I modified it to invoke a 
propertyName() method whose implementation is the same as that given 
above.  This allows for a recursive buildup of indexed property fields when 
an HTML tag is included inside of any number of nested iterate tags.

James W. Howe                   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Allen Creek Software, Inc.              pgpkey:
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

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