I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but Jakarta Taglibs has
an library called XTags that you might be interested in.


On 30 Jul 2001 08:58:04 -0400, Will Spies/Towers Perrin wrote:
> This is an odd ball question but ...nothing ventured ...nothing
> We use struts. It's working well for us. However, one thing it's
missing is
> rapid screen generation functionality. For example, in the spirit of
> MVC, we would like to generate screens in our views based on XML data
> derived from ActionForms ( which were just pushed to our views ). Does
> anyone know of any open source tools which makes this easier? Rather
> coming up with our own XSLT to build HTML from an ActionForm converted
> XML ourselves we would like to find something open source ( or 3rd
party )
> to facilitate this.
> Thanks for any help/info,
> Will

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