> I don't want the result in an a href. I want to do a POST and 
> I want to be able to set the 
> TARGET attribute for the FORM before posting as well. I want 
> to set the form's ACTION 
> attribute to that value. But I have multiple values that the 
> form's ACTION attribute might get 
> set to and so I have to do it in Javascript based on which 
> button the user clicked on.

Not sure I completely understand but it sounds like <html:rewrite>
is what you're looking for. It rewrites a URI and writes the
output directly into your page. For example, I have in my code:

<input type="button" value="Detailed View"
    onClick="detail('<html:rewrite forward="detail_window"/>')">

So when this button is pushed, the JavaScript detail() function
is called with the correct URI for the detail_window action
passed as a parameter.


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