
I am trying to use the indexed property with a page. I have a vector that
holds a series of item objects. Each item object as a name, desc and unit
price field. The page iterates through the vector and creates a table
displaying the name and desc of an item and a text field for the unit price.
I want the user to input the unit price and then submit the table. I have
added indexed="true" to the unit price text field:

<bean:write name="item" property="unitPrice" indexed="true" />

I have downloaded the 0912 nightly build. When I get to the page with the
above table I get the following error:

javax.servlet.ServletException: org.w3c.dom.DOMImplementation: method
rg/w3c/dom/DocumentType; not found

If I take the index="true" off I do not get the above error?

Could someone please help me out.


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