Try using & for the ampersands. It thinks sortby is an entity
reference, as in &sortby; 

Thomas Quas wrote:
> Hi,
> I ran into the following problem: I want to specify a local forward that
> represents an action URL. The action requires parameters that I want to
> pass
> in common HTTP fashion, namely
>         /
> Therefore, I have an entry in struts-confix.xml that looks like this:
>     <action path="/product"
>             type="tquas.bogus.servlet.ProductActions"
>             parameter="action"
>             name="productForm"
>             scope="request"
>             unknown="false"
>             validate="true">
>         <forward name="postCreate"
> path="/"/>
>     </action>
> where ProductActions is a subclass of DispatchAction containing an
> implementation of method list().
> The problem is that the XML parser throws an exception, basically
> telling me
> that ampersands are not allowed in this URI:

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