Hi -

I am using Struts 1.0 and Tomcat 3.2.2. I am using the
internationalization feature of Struts to render an
image as follows :

<html:img srcKey="image.logotop"/>

The first time the page appears, the image is not
rendered on screen and if I do a Refresh, then the
image somes properly. 

If I do a view source the first time, the tag gets
translated with a session id attached. The session id
does not come in subsequent requests. 

I realize that this is due to URL rewriting, but can
anyone help me out on the problem of image rendering
the first time the screen is displayed ? However, the
problem does not arise if I turn off the
internationalization feature and include the gif file
directly with the img tag.

Please Help !!!


- Debasish

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