
i think the reason you lose your request attributes is because the action servlet
performs a HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect instead of a RequestDispatcher.forward when
you have redirect="true" in your action mapping.  thus, unless you add values to the
end of the querystring as you're doing, you don't have the ability to add values to the
request as one or more java object(s).  do you have any idea why iplant chokes or what
kind of error it gives you?  if it's a servlet 2.2+ compliant container it should be
able to perform a forward without problem.


Matt Raible wrote:

> I am changing the path of a mapping's forward name="success" to add parameters
> on to it.  The reason I am adding these parameters is because I have to have a
> "redirect=true" on my forward in the struts-config file.  If I don't, and I try
> to forward to another action, iPlanet chokes.  I add the redirect="true" and it
> works, but I lose my request variables.
> So I'd love it if folks could look at my code and maybe offer better
> suggestions.  The way I'm doing it seems like a lot of work for something so
> simple.  Keep in mind that what I've written below works like a charm - just
> seems extensive - Thanks!
> // Get the path of the "success" forward
> String path = new String(mapping.findForward("success").getPath());
> // check to see if the "success" forward has already been modified
> // for some reason, changing the path actually gets persisted and
> // the path is still modified if I hit this action again
> int ampIndex = path.indexOf('&');
> if (ampIndex > -1) // already been modified, chop it off
> {
>         log(_className, " Path already modified, '&' at index '" + ampIndex + "'");
>         path = path.substring(0, ampIndex);
> }
> // HolidayDO is a Value Object that we use to pass around
> // between our EJB's and ActionForms
> path += "&month=" + aHolidayDO.getMonth();
> path += "&year=" + aHolidayDO.getYear();
> // Forward control to the specified success URI
> log(_className, " Forwarding to 'success' page at path '" + path + "'");
> mapping.findForward("success").setPath(path);
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