Hi, I am trying to iterate through a bean and populate a list of radio
buttons. I pass an entity object (en) to a page. The entity object has a
number and name parameter. I want to create a list of radio buttons all with
the same name but the values being the entity number.
For example:

 <input type="radio" name="entityNumber" value="123"> 1996 DODGE DAKOTA
 <input type="radio" name="entityNumber" value="234"> 1996 DODGE BUS

I have tried the following:

<logic:iterate id="en" name="entitySearchList" scope="request" >
  <TD CLASS="TD_Border">
  <html:radio name="en" property="entityNumber" value="<bean:write name="en"
property="entityNumber" />"   />

  <TD CLASS="TD_Border">
    <bean:write name="en" property="entityName" />


The above obviously does not work. I would appreciate it if someone could
lend me a hand.



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