1) No, but it will work. Look at previous posts on how to properly
2) Your form should have get and set methods?
3) Collection
4) None that I am aware of.

-----Original Message-----
From: Strichartz, Beth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 1:09 PM
Subject: Help with Struts and EJBS..

I need some serious help.
I am a novice Java and Struts developer.
I am trying to develope a prototype that will work with backend EJBS..

I have an CustomerSearchForm, Form bean and  action bean
my Action class is below.

1) Is this the appropriate way to call EJBS (in an action class)??
2) How do I get what is returned from the EJB back into my actionform bean?
3) If I want a list of matching customers retruned...what is the best format
for these to be returned from the EJB so that I can
forward to another jsp and show them..  Currently the EJB is returning a
4) Is there any sample applications out there that I can look at that use

Thanks in advance for ANY help.

public ActionForward perform
        (ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
        HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        ActionForward fwdAction = null;
        CustomerSearchForm searchForm = (CustomerSearchForm) form;
        try {

            // Get an InitialContext
            Properties initProps = new Properties();
            initProps.put (Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,
            Context ctx =  new InitialContext(initProps);

            Object home = (CustomerFacadeHome)
            CustomerFacadeHome customerFacadeHome = (CustomerFacadeHome)
                (home, CustomerFacadeHome.class);

            CustomerFacade facade = (CustomerFacade)
                (customerFacadeHome.create(), CustomerFacade.class);

            String[] found  = facade.findCustomer
(searchForm.getCustomerName (),
                searchForm.getSsn (), searchForm.getAlphaKey (),
                searchForm.getBank ());

            for (int i=0; i<found.length; i++) {
                System.out.println ("\t[" + i + "]\t" + found[i]);
            fwdAction = mapping.findForward ("success");
        } catch (Exception e) {

            e.printStackTrace ();
            fwdAction = mapping.findForward ("failed");

        return fwdAction;

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