you can expose variables through tags by using a TagExtraInfo (TEI) class.  check out 
the source code
for the bean:define tag and its TEI class.


> I found the following advice in the struts archive regarding a "tag within
> a tag" problem:
> From: John Raley
> Subject: Re: nesting bean:write inside of html:link
> Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001 13:22:41 -0700
> As a workaround, I wrote an 'eval' tag that captures its content to a
> bean.  You can bind the content to a scripting variable and use the
> variable.  It's ugly but it works.
> So, you'd do this:
> <x:eval id='idValue'><bean:write name="somebean" property="id" /></x:eval>
> <html:link href="somepage.jsp?action=someaction&id=<%= idValue %>" >link
> text</html:link>
> The actual implementation of eval is very simple - just a body tag that
> captures its content to a String and puts the String into the page context.
> John's example implies that the tag somehow puts the <x:eval> id attribute,
> "idValue", into the pageContext such that it can be accessed from the
> scriptlet <%=idValue%>.  In my implementation, the best I can do is set
> "idValue" as the name in the pageContext.setAttribute() method.  Then the
> jsp page has to get it like so:
> <x:eval id="idValue"><bean:write name="somebean" property="id" /></x:eval>
> <%String idValue= (String) pageContext.getAttribute( "idValue" );  %>
> <html:link href="somepage.jsp?action=someaction&id=<%= idValue %>" >link
> text</html:link>
> Is John's example just pseudo code that leaves out the
> pageContext.getAttribute step, or is there some way to set a variable in a
> custom tag such that it can be directly accessed from a scriptlet?
> Thanks,
> Craig R.

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