The Struts example (or I read it somewhere on the pages)
recommends putting JSPs under the WEB-INF folder so the JSPs can't be
served directly - only by action path. This seems a good thing but I can't
get it to work satisfactorily. And no examples I've found ever put the JSPs
under WEB-INF!

The problem this creates (for me) is that if I want to include an image in
a JSP, and that image is above the WEB-INF directory, how do I refer to it?

Do I use relative links: <IMG SRC="../theimage.gif>  ? This works but will
be a pain to maintain.

I can't use an absolute URL because the JSP doesn't know the web app
context base path and hardcoding the base path would be nasty.

I can't use the <html:base> generated base because that is within the
WEB-INF directory

I can't put images under WEB-INF  because that will reveal the real action
path. e.g. http://host/myapp/WEB-INF/images/theimage.gif and will not show
the image (can't serve from WEB-INF)

Can anyone help please?


Rob Breeds

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