
I have a template build with struts and I have a JSP wich uses that template
and looks like the following:

<%@ taglib uri='/WEB-INF/struts-template.tld' prefix='template' %>

<template:insert template='/common/template.jsp'>
    <template:put name='sidebar' content='/showSelectionBoxes.do' />

AND I have a struts-config:

        <!-- ========== Form Bean Definitions
=================================== -->
                <form-bean name="showBoxesBean"
                <form-bean name="noveltiesBean"
        <!-- ========== Action Mapping Definitions
============================== -->
                <!-- Add a new BlackBoard -->
                <action path="/showSelectionBoxes"
name="showBoxesBean" scope="session">
                        <forward name="success" path="/tmpl/ShowSelectionBoxes.jsp"/>
                <action path="/novelties"
type="de.tecmath.cms.strutstestbox.NoveltiesAction" name="noveltiesBean"
                        <forward name="success" path="/Novelties.jsp"/>

If I use "<template:put name='sidebar'
content='/tmpl/ShowSelectionBoxes.jsp' />" I get a exception wich says that
the bean "showBoxesBean" could not be found in session so I thought I must
use "<template:put name='sidebar' content='/showSelectionBoxes.do' />" in my
JSP. But than I get a "javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Servlet Exception"
throwen in the template-insert-tag.

The Action associated with my ShowSelectionBoxes.jsp has the duty to fill
some selectboxes.
What I want to do is to have a JSP build with template wich has on the left
side a sidebar containing 3 selectboxes and in the middle showing some
content wich is although a jsp with a Action and a ActionForm

PLEASE can anyone help me how to achieve that ??

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