On Fri, 26 October 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I agree with the sentiment behind your suggestion, though. The real problem
> is that many people don't refer to the FAQ, and don't check the mailing list
> archives, before posting their own questions to the list. Unfortunately,
> these are typically the same people who believe that their own time is more
> valuable than that of other people on the list.

I'll second that.  Many many questions have been posted on this list that are clearly 
explained in the documentation.

The documentation isn't perfect, and can be confusing at times, but some due diligence 
should be expected.  Not only is there documentation, but the source code is available 
and it will tell you the truth like no other!

About a month ago I was thrilled to see someone respond to a question with "RTFM"!

Steven Valin

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