>>>>> "Jim" == Jim Calder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Jim> I have a form which has three modes; Create, Edit, and View.  When the form
    Jim> is  Create or 
    Jim> Edit, I want to place the focus on the first field (longName).  But when I
    Jim> use a logic:equal 
    Jim> tag to determine the correct html:form tag, I get a corrupted html file.  Is
    Jim> there another solution 
    Jim> besides the logic:equals tag?
    Jim> [ [ JSP Page ] ]
    Jim> <body>
    Jim> <logic:notEqual name="accountDetailsForm" property="action"
    Jim>                 scope="request" value="View">
    Jim>   <html:form action="/accountDetailsSave">
    Jim> </logic:notEqual>
    Jim> <logic:equal name="accountDetailsForm" property="action"
    Jim>              scope="request" value="View">
    Jim>   <html:form action="/accountDetailsSave" focus="longName">
    Jim> </logic:equal>
    Jim> ...  <!-- Lots of HTML/JSP code -->
    Jim> </html:form>
    Jim> </body>

    Jim> [ [ Rendered HTML - performing an Edit ] ]
    Jim> <body>
    Jim>   <form name="accountDetailsForm" method="POST"
    Jim> action="/myApp/accountDetailsSave.do">
    Jim> </logic:notEqual>
    Jim> </form></html>
You can't "overlap" tag regions.  It's not valid XML.  At the least, you'd have
to have two complete "html:form" elements, including all of their contents,
each in either the "notEqual" or "equal" case.

However, if the contents of the two forms are identical, except for needing
focus in one field in one case, then you might consider having a single form,
but using a runtime value for the "focus" attribute (note the javadoc shows an
RT value for this is legal).  Use an expression which evaluates to "longName"
in the "equal" case, and equal to "" in the "notEqual" case.  I would assume a
"focus" value of an empty string would essentially be a noop (untested).

David M. Karr          ; Best Consulting
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   ; Java/Unix/XML/C++/X ; BrainBench CJ12P (#12004)

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