Some people on this list have been helped out of "nesting iterate tags 
within iterate" by being referred to the Nesting Extension. If you want 
to nest iterate tags within iterate tags the extension is still by far 
the best way to go, but the extension can do so much more.

The extension links together any tag which uses a "property" property to 
bring them to the "nesting context". Logic tags, Form tags, and a few 
bean tags. There are other options in the extension which capitalise on 
the nesting context.

To help out with all this, I've built a more extensive resources page ( ) which has...
    - Two part "primer" which will get you up to speed with what it does 
and why it does it.
    - Two part tutorial which will get you under way to building your 
first nested application.
    - Page of advanced topics which will tell you of some of the other 
things possible with the extension.
    - Running examples
    - Downloads of the extension and examples
    - A few words on some "why should I implement this" issues.
    - A questions/feedback form

For this information, go here...

This is just a general announcement of the extension to the Struts user 
community. Some people may have picked up on the link from the resources 
page, some may not. This is because I really wanted to get the primer 
and initial tutorial built to help people ramp-up on what it does, and 
generally make the task easier on all of us (it also gives me more docco 
to refer too if people have problems using the extension).

I'm trying to get it into Struts itself, and it seems very likely that 
it will. Your views on the extension will help this along, so use the 
feedback form on the page above if you feel it belongs in Struts, or 
even if it doesn't those opinions are valid also.

No-one who has used the extension has come back with a bad response, and 
all have seen the compelling reasons as to why it's useful (it sits on 
the original tags, so at worst you can use it as you do the current tags).

If you have used the extension and found it useful, can you please reply 
to this mail to show others that people are using it, and that it is 
worth using (I know there's plenty of you out there, I've seen the hit 
stats on my resource site :) . The more people using it, the more likely 
for a quick adoption into Struts itself.

I'll personally help anyone having troubles, where time permits.
Hope you'll give nesting a try. It really does bring that next level of 
ability to Struts JSP views.


* I think, therefore, I nest

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