Hi Philip,
Try this:
I am assuming u have a formbean names aLaUne with a property articles which
is a vector. Ypu can use following iterate tag. Do not forget to add taglibs
      <logic:iterate id="articles" name="aLaUne"  property="articles">
                 <bean:write name="articles"/>

-----Original Message-----
From: Philippe Hodapp / 1genia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 2:30 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: help : iterate

I don't know how to translate this in Struts Tag.
This is killing my head. Can somebody help me please.

Vector articles = (Vector)aLaUne.getArticles();
 Article article = (Article)articles.get(0);

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