The Struts 1.0 ActionServlet stores a number of elements in Application

        // Publish our internal collections as necessary
        getServletContext().setAttribute(Action.FORWARDS_KEY, forwards);
        getServletContext().setAttribute(Action.MAPPINGS_KEY, mappings);

So, it's really not really threading issues (mispoke), but the last
ActionServlet would win when it came to the Application scope elements.
The custom tag extensions look to these to retrieving the ActionForwards
and what not. 

Check for these statics in utils.RequestUtils, and you will see what I

Of course, if you are not using the custom tags, then it may not matter. 

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Java Web Development with Struts.
-- Tel +1 585 737-3463.
-- Web

"Struts Newsgroup (" wrote:
> Subject: Re: Multiple struts-config.xml files?
> From: "Jens Mander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  ===
> Which are the alterations required to allow struts 1.0 to permit multiple
> Action Servlets?
> Doesn't a container (e.g. Tomcat) generate separate instances for each
> action servlet which reads its own struts-config file and if so what kind of
> threading problems could occur?
> In my case I've been using an approach similar to what Michael
> describes without the RoleDispatcherServlet
> and I am worried about these threading problems you mention.
> Thanks,
> Ronaldo
> "Ted Husted" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> > Struts 1.0 isn't designed to permit multiple ActionServlets. Unless
> > you've made some alterations, there may be threading problems.
> >
> --cut
> >
> > -- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
> > -- Java Web Development with Struts.
> > -- Tel +1 585 737-3463.
> > -- Web
> --
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