You can just set them to a blank string in But
But you must want to change them at run time. 
1 - make a special version of the errors tag that gets the overridden strings
from the request.
2 - Use the new messages tag to display them & logic tags to control

--- "Mattos, John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I seem to have got it working, except that the error message reads...
>    you must check the following.
> I see that it's getting it from errors.footer and errors.header in the
> resource file. I'd like to override that behavior temporarily, and just
> display the message
> Is there some sort of Message service that I can use, analogous to the Error
> service, or can I temporarily change the errors.header and errors.footer?
> John Mattos
> Sr. Developer and Architect
> 345 Hudson St. 16th Floor
> New York, New York
> 10014
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mattos, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 1:09 PM
> Subject: Passing Action Errors from one perform() method to another
> perfor m() method - Expert help?
> Hi all.
> I'm trying to do the following.
> In an Action.perform() method, I'm adding an ActionErrors object to the
> request as follows
> // Snippet from an Action.perform() method
> ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors ();
> errors.add("Processed", new ActionError("Processing Done"));
> saveErrors(request, errors);
> return new ActionForward("/");
> // End of first perform() snippet
> Notice that I'm forwarding to a ".do", which means I'm in another perform()
> method
> in the SECOND perform() method, I want to do some preprocessing (get stuff
> from a database)
> then forward to a JSP, and INLCUDE the actionErrors object from the first
> perform() method.
> Here's how I'm doing that now....
> // snipped from second perform() method, mapped to
> ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
> errors= (ActionErrors)request.getAttribute("Processed");              
> saveErrors (request, errors);
> return new ActionForward("/invoicing/suspendsSummary.jsp");
> // End of second perform() snippet
> am I going about this in the wrong way? Is this even possible?
> basically, I want to pass a message back to the jsp that is really a status
> message (as in.. I'm done processing)
> thoughts?
> John Mattos
> Sr. Developer and Architect
> 345 Hudson St. 16th Floor
> New York, New York
> 10014
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