I've often heard that you can't put struts.jar in CATALINA_HOME/lib but I've never 
heard anyone say why it doesn't work.

Is it a bug?

On Fri, 15 February 2002, "Main, David" wrote:

> Hi there,
> Has anyone had success placing struts.jar in %CATALINA_HOME%/lib to share it across 
>all webapps? The reason I ask is that I have a shared library of utility classes in 
>%CATALINA_HOME%/classes and one of them needs to import struts for image upload. 
> My problem is that the struts-based webapps only seem to work if struts.jar is in 
>WEB-INF/lib, but my utility class requires it to be in %CATALINA_HOME%/lib. And, if I 
>put it in both places, I get the following nasty linkage error:
> java.lang.LinkageError: Class org/apache/struts/upload/FormFile violates loader 
> I know there are workarounds like duplicating the utility class for each webapp, but 
>I'm hoping for a more elegant solution.
> I'm using Tomcat4.0.1 on Win2K. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd appreciate them.
> Thanks,
> David
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