
I want to populate my page with default value 

So, in order to do that 
I have a value object (ReportData), ReportDataForm (Form Bean)

I populate the Value object through one of the Action classes and then do a
Action Forward to one of the Jsp namely ReportData.jsp

In the ReportData.jsp I do following 

ReportData reoportData = (ReportData)request.getAttribute("reportdata"); 
<html:form action="reportAction.do">
<html:text property="reportName" value="<%=reportData.getReportName()%>"/>

I do all the validation In ReportAction class which is mapped to

But when there is an error In the field , I am not able to get the value
populated for the text field.

Is there something wrong I am doing.
Or is there any other better way of doing this thing..


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