The underlying problem is that the HTML spec tells the browsers to not
submit a checkbox if it is not checked. (Or any other blank control for
that matter.) There's not a lot we can do about that =:o(

What happens with a box that starts out checked, is that when it is
unchecked, nothing is submitted. If the box represents a persistent
state, it just stays checked, since nothing turned it off.

Some times a radio button is a better way to go, since something will
always be submitted. 

The reset method grew out of a need to set the checkboxes to a known
state, to get around this quirk of HTML.

The alternative is to scan the request for the missing checkboxes, and
set them as expected if they are missing.

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY US
-- Developing Java Web Applications with Struts
-- Tel: +1 585 737-3463
-- Web:

Chris Means wrote:
> I'm having a problem with setting check box states on my form.
> I have a checkbox on my form, it's supposed to be "checked" if muting is
> occurring, and not checked otherwise.
> The user just needs to click the checkbox to change/toggle the state.
> However, I only seem to get an Action setting if the checkbox is not
> checked...any ideas what I'm doing wrong?  Shouldn't the property be set
> regardless of the state of the object?
> My JSP:
>         <html:checkbox property="mute"
>                        onclick="this.form.submit ()" />Mute
> My FormBean:
>   public void setMute (boolean newMute)
>   {
>     mute = newMute ;
>     action = "mute" ;
>   }
> My ActionForm:
>     ControlPanelForm cp = (ControlPanelForm) form ;
>     String action = cp.getAction () ;
>     System.out.println ("Action: " + action) ;
>     if ("mute".equals (action))
>       api.mute () ;
>     status.refresh () ;
>     cp.setMute (status.isMuted ()) ;
>     return (mapping.findForward ("success"));
> TIA.
> -Chris
> --
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