Hi Dirk,

If you want to talk from tomcat to iAS you will need to create IIOP/RMI
aware EJB in iPlanet. This will give you some remote stubs. Add these to
your web app in tomcat. Add a CXS process to iAS. Your web app will need to
create an InitialContext using com.sun.jndi.cosnaming.CNCtxFactory.

Have a look under ias6/ias-samples/j2eeguide/converter for an example of a
remote client talking to iAS. You should also check out the iAS Java
Developers guide for details on creating a remote client

You live would be a lot simpler if you used iAS/iWS for development. iWS
performs differently to Tomcat in some areas, so code that works under
Tomcat won't necessarily work when deployed to iAS/iWS.


-----Original Message-----
From: Struts Newsgroup [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 01 March 2002 10:10
Subject: EJB and Struts?

Subject: EJB and Struts?
From: "Dirk Breitenbach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
does anybody know, how i can bind EJBs to my Struts-Application?
Is it possible to make a connection over the data-Sources-Entries in
struts-config.xml? What driver to use? JNDI??

The EJBs are deployed on an IPlanet Application Server, where my
Webapplikation is also deployed. But I use a local Tomcat-Installation for

Anyone who can help?


PS: Sorry for my bad english.

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