return a list? is it the correct size?
I would have thought putting enough debug messages would highlight the problem.
I'd guess it's not even executing your debug code because you'd get a null
pointer exception from list.iterator() if the list was missing & CalssCastExp
if you got the wrong list. 
Intriguing! (Most likely something really obvious... bit I can't see it.)

--- "Domen, Ken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If my jsp has the following:
> <logic:iterate name="xxxForm" property="substances" id="substanceBean">
> <tr><td <html:text name="substanceBean" property="casNumber" /></td>
>     <td <html:text name="substanceBean" property="substanceName"</td>
> </tr>
> </logic:iterate>
> Why won't my receiving Action class get these elements with:
> ArrayList list = myForm.getSubstances();
> Iterator i = list.iterator();
> while (i.hasNext()) {
>         Substance s = (Substance);
>         System.out.println("s.getCasNumber(): " + s.getCasNumber());
> }

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Keith Bacon - Looking for struts work - South-East UK.
phone UK 07960 011275

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