Your property isn't really 'blah'.  It is 'blah[0]',
'blah[1]', etc.  So if you use the full property for a
field for the ActionErrors key, then you can retrieve
it next to each field.

ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
errors.add("blah[0]", new ActionError("error.msg"));

<html:error property="blah[0]"/> 

This type of question would be a good question to ask
on the Struts User list.  And any development
suggestions are good to post to bugzilla if there
really is a feature request you want so they don't get


--- "Kerstetter, Shawn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a form which contains 0 .. n "blah" text
> boxes all of which need to
> be validated for integer content on the server.  If
> the ith, the jth and the
> kth elements fail validation, I would like to be
> able to present the error
> message "Invalid Number Format" next to the
> appropriate "blah" text boxes.
> My custom validation component is capable of
> tracking the index, but I don't
> see support for indexing in ActionError,
> ActionErrors or in ErrorTag.  I am
> wondering how this case is normally handled in
> Struts.
> Currently, if I do:
> <html:error property="blah"/> 
> for each blah form element I would get the error
> message repeated for each
> failure for each element.     
> I need to be able to do something like the
> following:
> <html:error property="blah" index="<%= i %>"/>
> As a real world example, consider a "view cart" page
> in a typical ecom
> application, in which a customer would set the
> quantity to zero to remove
> one or more items from the cart.  Now imagine that
> this user fat fingers the
> situation and enters something that is not a number
> in one of the quantity
> text boxes.  Finally, imagine that I wanted to
> direct the user's attention
> to the offending row of the table with a friendly
> message.
> Thanks for any help,
> Shawn.
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