Hi all,

I am able to display my vector of objects in the jsp page just fine, but
when I submit the page, I noticed that my set method for the vector of
objects is not being called, hence when it get's to the action class the
vector of objects is null.

I took a look at the StrutMonkey example from Arron Bates' site.  My syntax
seems correct. I did notice that he is serializing his FormBean and setting
it as a javabean. I don't see why that would matter in my case.

My source for the FormBean is below.  Can someone suggest to me a way to go
about solving this problem?
Your help is well appreciated.

- ej

I have in my form bean
*** FormBean code *****
 public Vector extrainfo;
 public Object[] getExtrainfo() {
    return this.extrainfo.toArray();
public void setExtrainfo(Object[] infoList) {
    this.extrainfo = new Vector();
  for (int i = 0; i < infoList.length; i++) {

public void setAddButton(String empty) {
     Extrainfo ei = new Extrainfo ();
    extrainfo.add(ei );
*** FormBean code END *****

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