Hi Silmane,

you may have already received a reply regarding this but none the less
this is how I've been doing it.

If you place a java.util.Map into the request the html:link tag will
then build
the parameter list for you where the keys are the parameter names and
values the parameter values (of course).

In your case your iterating over a Collection of beans and from that
you would/could provide a method to return the Map.

In my example I have a Vector of 'foo.Bar' objects where Bar objects
have a getter
method for the map property.  My Vector of foo.Bar objects is an
attribute of the 
request stored under the key 'things'.

<logic:iterate id="bar" name="things" type="foo.Bar">
<html:link href="wherever" paramName="bar" name="bar" property="map">
linkname </html:link>

The documentation for the link tag is of course located at:
There are a couple of restrictions I didn't mention documented there.

Someone just helped me out with this a few days ago so to whomever it
was thanks.


Slimane Zouggari wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the following piece of code :
> ><logic:iterate id="elt" name="listform" scope="session" property="vect"
> >type="be.stluc.info.struts.ElementProjet">
> ><A HREF="/projectdetails.do?codpro="<bean:write name="elt" property="codpro"/>
> >&codpha=<bean:write name="elt" property="codpha"/>
> >&codtac=<bean:write name="elt" property="codtac"/>">
> ><bean:write name="elt" property="lib"/>
> ></A>
> ><BR>
> ></logic:iterate>
> I was wondering if there's a easier way to do that with the html:link tag ?
> Thanx in advance,
> Slimane
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