
. Go to  http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/doc-1.0.2/api/index.html
read Class ActionMapping

. ActionMapping is the object that holds the value of <action tag 
  validate is explained here

. same for ActionFormBean only name and type.

. <html:form action="XXXXX"> with the <action> 
XXXXX is equal to path in <action> + ".do"

have fun,
Leonardo Maciel

-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Norman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 12:40 PM
To: Struts User Mailing List
Subject: struts-config.xml Explanation Needed - Ryan Norman


I am Ryan Norman.

I started with struts about a week ago. I went through the documentation.

Still I could not understand some portions of struts.

Can somebody explain me the following:

. Dissection of this tag.
    <!-- Add User action -->
    <action path="/addUser" type="strutstest1.SystemUserAction"
      name="userForm" scope="request" input="/admin/dsp_User.jsp"
     <forward name="success" path="/admin/dsp_User.jsp"/>
     <forward name="failure" path="/admin/search/dsp_SearchUser.jsp"/>

. What am I achieving by giving the validate="false" in the above tag.

. Dissection of this tag
    <form-bean name="userForm" type="strutstest1.SystemUserForm" />

What is the association of of the <html:form action="XXXXX"> with the
<action> tag.

Thanks in advance

Ryan Norman

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