

Sometimes, the <bean:write> tag (and presumably others) can't find a certain
property on one of my beans.  The bean is "User", and the property is "id".
The tag is nested inside a set of <logic:iterate> tags which fish each
element out of a List.  Specifically, the error is:


javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: No getter method for property id of bean



One thing that's strange is that the bean being returned does indeed have a
getId() method.  Another thing that's strange is that it works sometimes.
It'll work fine for awhile, then at some point when I run a build and
re-deploy the app, it'll puke.


It doesn't complain about any of the other properties on this bean, nor does
it complain about any properties on any other beans, all of which have
equivalent "id" properties.


One other thing:  this started happening as soon as I replaced my home-brew
model-persistence framework with Torque from Jakarta.  Originally, I would
have just a User.java class, with all the getters and setters.  Now, I have
a nearly empty User.java class that extends the autogenerated BaseUser.java
class, which has all the getters and setters.  


Has anyone seen a problem like this using Torque and Struts?  Thanks!






David A. Ventimiglia

Wells Fargo Private Client Services

(415) 396-0414 (work)


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