Thanks for the feedback Mark. Actually we are using 9ias here also. (I
just had JRun running locally since it was smaller on my little
machine. Now I have Tomcat also so I really don't need to use both,
but thought I'd just try to get it to work ok under JRun). Is there
anything 'special' or 'quirky' that I need to know getting this to run
under Oracle9ias? I'm actually going to move some struts stuff over
there that was working under Tomcat right now and see how it works.

On Thursday, April 4, 2002, 9:41:05 AM, Mark wrote:

GM> My short answer to you is, "Shit-can JRun."  My team is developing
GM> a very complex web-based B2B/B2C/Maintenance application for
GM> VoiceStream Wireless. We are using Struts (now) 1.1b-1 (and the
GM> migration from 1.0.2 was very problematic!), Apache webserver on
GM> Unix, and Oracle 8i as the integration tier.  We started out using
GM> JRun 3.1 and had so many problems with it (from huge memory leaks
GM> to configuration nightmares) that we have abandoned it and are
GM> migrating to Oracle9ias.  Our preliminary exposure to 9ias has
GM> been very positive.

GM> Mark

GM> -----Original Message-----
GM> From: Rick Reumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
GM> Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 8:51 PM
GM> To: Struts Users Mailing List
GM> Subject: At wits end, questions JRun, Oracle9ias

GM> Strutsters,

GM> I've been playing around with struts on my local machine here at work
GM> under Tomcat and everything is fine. In another local environment I've
GM> been using JRun for some applications and I'd like to get the sample
GM> app I was working under Tomcat to work under JRun. I'm not having any
GM> luck. I've been searching these archives and whatever I could find but
GM> I'm still stuck.

GM> Here's the deal. I have a really really watered down basic app in a
GM> directory called 'utilities' in the tomcat webapps folder. I now took
GM> this whole directory and copied it into the default path for where I
GM> have other JRun apps. ( I configured JRun to point to this new
GM> application and even configured the servlet mapping). If I try to go
GM> right to the page 'payrollChangeForm.jsp' I get an error that others
GM> have gotten (not necessarily with JRun):

GM> Exception thrown processing JSP page.
GM>     javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find ActionMappings or
GM> ActionFormBeans collection
GM>         at org.apache.struts.taglib.html.FormTag.lookup(
GM>         at org.apache.struts.taglib.html.FormTag.doStartTag(
GM>         ....{cut}...

GM> Now, I'm not sure what cause this error since the same files are
GM> working fine under Tomcat. Another thing messed up which might help
GM> some of you debug is I also have an index page with a simple link on
GM> it that calls the action :
GM>         <action path="/payrollChanges"
GM>             forward="/formsStruts/test.jsp">
GM>         </action>

GM> When this link is hit, I get a nice 500 Internal Error page with:

GM> null
GM> java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
GM>         at org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.parse(
GM>         at
GM> org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.initMapping(
GM>         at
GM> org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.init(

GM> What else do I need to get this running successfully under JRun? The
GM> installation instructions with Struts mention the taglib issues but I
GM> don't think this is really related to that. Couple comments: JRun is
GM> pointing to the directory for this application on another network
GM> directory. This means my local classpath that points to some XML xerces
GM> stuff I have on my local classpath won't be valid so I put the
GM> following files in my applications lib directory xmlParserAPIs.jar and
GM> xercesImpl.jar. Somehow I think this is a parser issue or something because
GM> if I
GM> remove this file and then click on the link I'll get:

GM> org/xml/sax/helpers/DefaultHandler
GM> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/xml/sax/helpers/DefaultHandler
GM>         at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)

GM> I'm just guessing here but if the parsing isn't taking place correctly
GM> that might explain the first problem of when I try to go straight to
GM> the form.jsp page and get the "Cannot find ActionMappings or
GM> ActionFormBean collections' error, since maybe it can't parse the
GM> struts-config.xml?

GM> Any ideas what is wrong? I'm also concerned because I want to push for
GM> using struts here at work but I know they'll have issues if it's going
GM> to be hard to configure it to get it to work under Oracle9ias as well.
GM> Are struts apps easy to configure under Oracle9ias as well? I didn't
GM> think I'd have this problem with JRun so once I tackle that hurdle I
GM> hope tackling the next one won't be as bad.

GM> Thanks for any help.



"Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the word
itself: 'Mankind'. Basically, it's made up of two separate words -
'mank' and 'ind'. What do these words mean ? It's a mystery, and
that's why so is mankind." 
  -Jack Handey

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