So, I log in as "user" to the struts-example app, go to the "Edit
Subscription" page and bookmark it. (The bookmarked URL is

Then I log out of the application. (I verified that I was logged out-the
main menu offers a link to login.) Now I visit the bookmarked URL. At
this point I expected to be directed to the login screen, because
EditSubscriptionAction checks for an existing session with a user

Instead, the Edit Subscription screen was displayed exactly as it was
when I had an active session. ONLY when I tried to submit the form did I
see the login screen.

Why don't I get forwarded to "Login" right away? I am confused--the code
seems to be there.

To unsubscribe, e-mail:   <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
For additional commands, e-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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