All -

I am in the process of cleaning up my code to eliminate warning messages, 
and I am stuck on this one. I am using a logic:iterate to display a bean and 
I get this message in conjunction with it:

JavaCompile: The local variable 'results' is never used.

Here is a snippet containing the code in question:

<logic:iterate id="results"
<dhshtml:row oddColor="#ccccff" evenColor="#ffffff">
<html:link page='<%="/do/NameSearch/Details?selectedClient="+myIndex %>' >
<bean:write name="results" property="clientName"/>
<td><bean:write name="results" property="address"/></td>
<td><bean:write name="results" property="city"/></td>
<td><bean:write name="results" property="state"/></td>
<td><bean:write name="results" property="clientBirthdate"/></td>
<td><bean:write name="results" property="ssn"/></td>

If anyone knows why I am getting this message and can tell me how to get rid 
of it, I would be most appreciative.

I am using WebSphere Studio Application Developer 4.x with Struts 1.02.

Thanks in advance,

mark n.

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