Just messing with this myself. I'm not sure if it's an issue with the
Servlet/JSP spec or the container (I'm using WLS 6.1.2), but I would
have expected that an exception thrown from a servlet would get dumped
into the request. It looks like you need to hang on to the exception
and explicitly add it to the request yourself. Here's the basic idea:

import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext;
ServletException exc;
request.setAttribute(PageContext.EXCEPTION, exc);

> I am using the error-page elements in the web.xml file.  It looks like this.
>   <error-page>
>     <exception-type>javax.servlet.ServletException</exception-type>
>     <location>/errorpage.jsp</location>
>   </error-page>
> When a ServletException is thrown in my Action class it is being forwarded
> to the errorpage.jsp correctly.  However, the page is not finding an
> exception that should be specified in the request attribute.  I have used
> this page successfully in the past when specifying the error page at the
> jsp level.
> Has anyone seen this behavior in the past?
> thanks
> Jeremy

Kris Schneider <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
D.O.Tech       <http://www.dotech.com/>

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