Ok, I must admit that I love Struts!  Who doesn't?  But I have a design
dilemma.   Let's suppose that I have a simple, almost static web site.
Except that on the header of each page I read the url and I am coming
from and pull some info based on that url, from a database...  Simple
right?  Now wouldn't MVC suggest that any request to my site that needs
something from the model go through a controller?  So if I put a
controller in front of all of my pages, I either get weird url's that
don't play nice with search engines (And aren't very pretty) like:
Or I have to create struts actions for each page:

Neither of these seems ideal...  So I thought I would ask the experts.

What do you all think?  Is this a place where I can stray from MVC and
do something like:
String url = request.getHeader("host");
url = url.toLowerCase();
url = url.substring(0,url.indexOf("."));
MemberTO myMember = new MemberBean().getMember(url);

Or, is there a much better way to do this?

Thanks for your help.


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