On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Joseph Barefoot wrote:

> Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 11:09:43 -0700
> From: Joseph Barefoot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: Please help clarify or confirm -- HttpSession
> hmmm...but the sessionIDs have to be unique, even across web apps., correct?

Actually, session ids do *not* have to be unique across the entire server.
Tomcat, for example, sets the "path" attribute of the session id cookie to
match the context path of the webapp, so the browser only sends the right
cookie back to the right webapp.  If two session ids for different webapps
happen to be the same (possible ... it's based on a random number
generator), there is still no problem.

> If there weren't unique, URL rewriting would not work correctly if two users
> using two webapps on the same app. server happened to get the same session
> ID.

Still not a problem ... because URL rewriting only rewrites hyperlinks
that point back into the same webapp.  So, you are still insulated from
any grief caused by duplicate session ids in different webapps.

>  Therefore, one *should* be able to store objects from webapp A in a
> shared classloader class keyed by the sessionID and retrieve them from
> webapp B.

That is, unfortunately for this use case, not a valid conclusion.

* The servlet spec states that the set of sessions for each
  webapp is distinct from the set for any other webapp.

* Even if they *were* shared, you would have serious problems.
  Consider the case where you create a bean of some class that
  is loaded from /WEB-INF/classes or /WEB-INF/lib, and stick it
  in your session.  Even if a servlet in another app could get
  a reference to this HttpSession instance, it would get a
  ClassNotFoundException trying to do anything with the returned
  attribute, because it's implementation class is not visible
  in the calling webapp's class loader.

* If the container allows it, there is a way to do "cross context"
  request dispatcher calls via ServletContext.getContext() -- but
  that doesn't help you much.  You cannot ask for a session by id,
  so the best you could do would be start a second session in the
  other app.

> Am I missing something here? (besides why the hell you would want to do
> this)
> :)

Good question :-)

> joe


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