Subject: Re: Re: Forwarding to action
From: "Davor Cengija" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Tero P Paananen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > > > Is it possible to return a forward to another action
> > (e.g. to chain
> > > > actions)?
> > >
> > > Yes.
> >
> > Excellent!
> >
> > However, I'm not able to find that class/method. Hint?
> ActionForward forward = mapping.findForward( "your_forward_name" );
> return forward;
> Define the forward in your struts-config.xml just as you would
> for a JSP page. The use it exactly the same for any resource,
> whether JSP, HTML, PDF, another action, etc. etc.

Thanks for your effort, but somehow it seems I haven't explained my problem

I do know that I can forward to another action/jsp/pdf by calling its PATH
(to say it that way), but that path must be already resolved: I can forward
to /myApp/something/ or /myApp/do/something/list but that way I'm
tied to /do/* or *.do mapping, and to myApp application name. I'd like to
forward to action as Struts sees it, not as servlet container/browser does.

<action path="/something/list" type=",....">
  <forward name="list" path="/WEB-INF/jsp/something/listDetails.jsp"/>

Now I'd like to forward my current action to "/something/list" and stop
worrying about what will happen next. If I change "list" jsp in action
"/something/list" i don't have to change it on some other place.

I hope I'm a little bit clearer now.


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