Hello All,

I'm trying to make a link that sends a parameter containing the URL of the
page which called it.  I have all the URLEncoding figured out, my problem is
getting it into the <html:link> tag.

I have tried

<html:link page="/bla/bla.jsp?returnURL=<%= returnURL %>">bla</html:link>


<html:link page="<%= "/bla/bla.jsp?returnURL=" + returnURL

neither of which work.

Right now what I'm doing is:

<% String myLink = "/bla/bla.jsp?returnURL=" + returnURL; %>
<html:link page="<%= myLink%>">bla</html:link>

but this is very ugly.  I don't want to have to make a String variable for
each link on my page.  Any ideas?  Am I missing something?


  Graham Lounder
  Java Developer
  Spatial Components Division
  264 Rookwood Ave
  Fredericton NB E3B-2M2
  Office 506 462-4218
  Fax    506 459-3849

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