nested tags / indexed properties / nested beans gotcha. You have to 
instantiate the beans yourself in the form reset() if you want to 
capture the indexed properties.

[this answer was automated, virtually]

hemant wrote:
> Comrades,
> I am trying to Iterate over a Collection of Collections of ValueObjects and after 
>some real painful experimentation (With VA 3.5.3 + Apache Tomcat + Poolman ), I got 
>the page to come up properly :). So far so good. I went out and celebrated for a few 
> The getter methods seem to work fine. But the user data is not being captured on 
>Submit :(
> Please throw some light on this...
> Here is the snippet from my JSP.
> <!--bean:define id="collectionOfPairs" name = "ldmservice" property="ranges" 
>type="java.util.Collection" scope="session"/-->
> <nested:root name="rangesform">
> <!--logic:iterate id="pairs" name="collectionOfPairs"  type="java.util.Collection"-->
> <nested:iterate  property="collectionOfRanges">
>  <nested:iterate id="vopair" property="this/" 
>   <nested:root name="vopair">
> ...................
> ...................
>             <tr>
>                <td width="10%">Description</td>
>                <td width="90%"><nested:write name="vopair" 
>             </tr>
> For some reason, the setter Method of setDescription(String xyz) is not being called.
> Please help...
> Many Thanks for Your Time
> Regards
> hemant

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